Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Taste of DC

Tommy tasted DC, but he wasn't sure about the Nando's chicken.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Tommy loves airplanes and helicopters.  He puts his arm up whenever he hears one.  This is the moment he realized what the Air and Space Museum contains:

He got quite a workout.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Tommy looks very grown up in this picture, but he was just assessing how many things he could throw off the table before his parents stopped him.
Places to go.  Things to sweep.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some things change

But the horns stay the same.

The beach

Was awesome...after Tommy decided the sand was not poisonous.

Happy Birthday!

Better late than never.  It's only taken 3.5 months to post....

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Tommy does not do that, hence the failure to post.  But here is a roundup of the last month:

I need a haircut.

King size bed all to myself? Hotels are awesome.

How you know you live in DC: Costco sells chocolate (and white chocolate) Capitol buildings. (Aside: yes, Mommy uses the cart strap.  Friend of friend's kid leapt out of Target cart onto her head.  She is fine, but still.)

Tommy learns about static electricity.  And still needs a haircut.

Friday, February 17, 2012


At first one thinks, "How wonderful that my child can move on his own."  One rapidly rethinks.

I'm certain this is how I've seen grown ups use chairs.
Out of my way Mom.  I have things to do.
Rocking chairs are delicious.
Toys belong on the floor.
I'm bored with the conventional way to use this.  I am so outside the box.
These are not circles under my eyes.  These are badges of honor.  Sleep is for wusses.